Is your home READY for extreme weather?

BC experiences annual recurrent wildfires and floods. Approximately 60% of the wildfires are from natural causes, while extreme weather and mass flooding causes significant damage to communities and hundreds of homes in the province.

Climate change is a major concern for many British Columbians and preparing for as well as mitigating the climate change disasters was a significan focus during the last federal election.

It is crucial to be aware  of how extreme weather events like wildfires and flooding can impact decisions when buying or selling homes.  Equipping yourself with knowledge will allow you to make well informed choices.

To help you prepare for unforeseen disasters, here are some valuable resources supplied by the British Columbia Real Estate Association.I

Wildfires In BC

Despite the current wildfire season starting to wind down in the upcoming weeks, prospective homebuyers continue to face challenges with insurance.  Mortgage companies may refuse to provide funding for homes without secured insurance. Buyers are encouraged to include an insurance clause in their purchase offers. Obtaining home insurance early in the sales process helps mitigate risks associated with completing the sale or delays in the transaction.  

Wildfires serve as a reminder for homeowners to better comprehend risks and implement adaptation and mitigate measures for themselves and their communities.  Homeowners can enhance their resilitance to wildfires by incorporating the BC Governments Firesmart disciplines, which aim to reduce the risk to life and property. They offer a last minute checklist and a tool to make a plan.  You can find these tools at the link below.

Click on the FireSmart logo:


Anyone concerned about flood risks to their property should consider how to minimize potential damage. The BC government offers a resource with ideas to consider when purchasing and renovating a property as well as some simple, inexpensive tips for protecting your home against flood damage:

  • store valuable and important items or documents on upper floors
  • anchor fuel sources
  • seal cracks in the foundation and around doors and windows
  • install backflow valves on basement floor drains, washing machine drains, toilets and sink drains
  • install a sump pump
  • make sure water drains away from the foundation
  • regularly clean gutters, perimeter drains and nearby storm drains

To monitor flood risks in your area, check out the BC River Forecast Centre website.  The link below will take you directly to their site.

Click on the image below

For further information on being prepared for floods and other hazards is also available online at the link below.

Click on the image below

Just as climate change knows no border, neither should our solutions. Beyond policy and innovation, the heart of the matter lies in a shift of perspective that acknowleges our individual roles. Governments enact and enforce policies that priortize the environment, corporations innovate and invest in clean technologies and individuals must make conscious choices in our daily lives.

Posted by Stephen Foster on
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