BC Island For Sale | Sotheby's Realty Canada | Stephen Foster
Posted by Stephen Foster on
Retreat Island - A Narrative
Retreat Island is a 7 acre island, just off the west side of Galiano Island; it faces across Trincomali Channel toward Fernwood on Saltspring Island. Access is a by small boat from Retreat Cove public dock, which is a very short distance away on Galiano. Retreat Island is what makes Retreat Cove into a cove. Its native old growth forest has never been logged. Large 500 year-plus old growth Douglas Firs grow on the northeast side of the island, which slopes gently down to the shore and a rich eel grass bed in the shallows between Retreat and Galiano. The southwest facing side of the island is a steep drop-off, above which is a healthy Garry Oak and Arbutus meadow with spring wild flowers of sea blush (plectritis…
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