Esquimalt Real Estate | Current Listings

Kinsmen Park

One of Esquimalt's most attractive residential areas is Kinsmen Park. Quiet streets that face the Gorge waterway which empties into the Inner Harbour of Victoria. Close to good shopping and easy access to Downtown Victoria.

Real Estate Statistics

Average Price $911K
Lowest Price $425K
Highest Price $2.6M
Total Listings 12
Avg. Days On Market 25
Avg. Price/SQFT $671

Property Types (active listings)

Kinsmen Park

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Esquimalt has a strong mix of high quality residential properties, some excellent waterfront properties and a very active business community Real Estate in Esquimalt including a light industrial district. It has a well-established community spirit and all of its services were well-developed many years ago. Some of Esquimalt's most attractive residential areas are Saxe Point and Rockheights, Kinsmen Park. Esquimalt has a full range of recreational facilities including a curling rink, indoor swimming pool, recreation centre and the top-ranked Gorge Vale Golf Club