Gulf Islands

British Columbia's Gulf Islands are one of BC's most popular visitor destinations. In total, there are over 200 islands large and small.Gulf Island Real Estate Daily ferry service is provided from Victoria and Vancouver to Salt Spring, Pender, Mayne, Galiano and Saturna islands. These five islands are the most popular Gulf Islands offering a variety of activities and services. The Gulf Islands are all known for their natural beauty and tranquility.

Real Estate Statistics

Average Price $1.5M
Lowest Price $65.5K
Highest Price $19.8M
Total Listings 139
Avg. Days On Market 167
Avg. Price/SQFT $877

Property Types (active listings)

'Gulf Island' Blogs:

We have several 'Gulf Island' blogs that discuss individual islands. 

Feel free to browse through them and read about the islands that interest you.

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West Coast Living
In the Gulf Islands



Pender Island

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