Search all Victoria homes and land for sale with our Mobile App.
What is it?
The Mobile App enables you to search for properties in your area, similar to the way the website works. The user account we've set up for you ties into your account along with your Favorite Listings, Saved Searches, and Messages.
When starting the app for the first time, you are required to select an Agent to begin: Search for Stephen Foster.
From the main menu, you can quickly begin searching either by using your location as a starting point (Nearby) or tapping New Search.
Property results can be displayed in List format or on a Map:
The List view allows for changing the sort order of results, while the Map view provides a means to search by Polygon or Radius:
Saved Searches
Once a search is made, you can Save it and give it a title.
Saved searches can be accessed by tapping Searches from the main menu. From there you can delete, view, and update the search criteria of existing searches:
The Mobile App allows you to send messages straight to your agent account in the backend.